Tuesday, April 14, 2009

T4 Project Creating a Bookr with a Spooky story

Hi dear students,

As we are talking about Fear on unit 8, I am asking you to create a spooky story- which can also be funny, using this tool I have already shown you in class.

Ce creative and enjoy this experience.
I will publish your work here.

This is my story. To see the other pages click on the right bottom side of the Book.

Now, if you are my student you should know that I would be delighted to receive any story you prepare using this tool.
You CAN do it!


GABRIEL D. on April 18, 2009 at 6:18 AM said...

This is the site:

Bruno Bueno de sousa said...

Teacher, my score was eight right and two wrong.

Bruno Bueno de sousa said...

At christmas, at half past six, at 4O'clock, at 2:30, at a quater past, at twelve.

In Sptenber, in 2007, in two minutes, in autmn, in the morning, in March.

On Monday, on saturday, on friday, on tuesday morning.


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